The ManGrate Grill Enhancement System

Our friends over at sent us a few boxes of the increasingly popular ManGrate Grill Enhancement System. Justin at asked  Steaknight Magazine if we were willing to give them a try. We have to admit we were not to sure about this product. We...
The 20 Best Burgers In America!!

The 20 Best Burgers In America!!

The hamburger is a symbol of everything that makes America great. Straightforward, substantial, and good-natured, it is also a little bloody at times. It may come big and ungarnished, the East Coast ideal, tender and untroubled by bones or gristle, everything you look...
New Castle Brown Ale Review

New Castle Brown Ale Review

Newcastle Brown Ale is an easily available and nicely drinkable English Brown Ale that definitely deserves a try. Origin: Scottish & Newcastle Breweries, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England Type Of Beer: English Brown Ale Nicknamed the “never bitter beer,” Newcastle...
Leffe Blonde Belgian Ale Tasting

Leffe Blonde Belgian Ale Tasting

Brewing techniques, unique mineral deposits, and water qualities have all to do with the flavor of the beer. Belgian ales have a really distinct, yeasty, highly carbonated quality that is a taste all unto itself. Leffe Blonde Belgian Ale, you’ll get a hint of...

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