Skirt Steak Marinade

Skirt Steak Marinade

One taste of this recipe and you will know your in for a treat. Wow, that couldn’t be more true, the skirt steak was loaded with flavor. You’ll love this one. Let us know what you think of it. 6-8 servings Indgredents: 2 lb. skirt or flank steak ½ cup + 2...

STEAKNIGHT’s 4th Of July Menu

There is no bigger grilling day then the 4th of July. Get your grill ready, the day is almost here. This is STEAKNIGHT’s 4th of July menu. Don’t forget to start preparing your menu today, your food will need time to marinate....

Onions with Hot and Sweet Peppers

The perfect accompaniment to any steak yields about 2 cups:   Ingredents: 3 Large Sweet Onions 3 Cloves of Garlic 2 Sweet Red Pepper 4 Jalapeño Peppers 4 Banana Peppers 1/4 cup of Balsamic Vinegar  3 tablespoons Olive Oil 2 Tablespoons Kosher Salt Fresh Black Pepper...