I recently got into infusing my own vodka’s, thanks to a great birthday gift from my father. He has been doing it for years and I always enjoyed the vodka’s that he made. You will need a large infuser that will hold at least 1 1/2 bottles of vodka. The larger infuser, the larger the party you can have. Personally I enjoy pouring a shot full here and there, because it tastes so good. I purchased my infuser from STEAKNIGHT Magazine’s Essentials. Along with my infuser came a bunch of recipes that I would like to share with you. But before I do that I would like to share the one recipe that I know produces a great infused vodka. All the recipes are quite simple and take minimal effort. Just keep in mind that the vodka will need to sit for a while, the longer it sits the better it will taste.
Here is the original recipe that I know produces an incredibly tasty vodka.
Classic Lemon Lime Vodka:

This is what the infuser looks like, in case you were wondering.
- 1 1/2 bottles of mid grade vodka (I use Kettle One)
- 2 Cups White Sugar
- 4 Lemons Cut Into Wedges
- 6 Limes Cut Into Wedges
Combine indgreidents in your infuser, let sit 3 months or until all lemons and limes sink to the bottom. Now I know 3 months is a long time to wait, but the taste is well worth it. Below you will find some recipes that take a lot less time, however I haven’t tried any of these yet. If you try them out be sure to let us know your outcome. As soon as we make another batch you will be the first to know.
Personally, I think that all the following recipes would benefit with a longer waiting period before drinking. None of the recipies need to be refrigerated.
Apples & Cinnamon Vodka:
- 4 Cinnamon Sticks
- 6 Large Red Apples Cut Into Wedges with the seeds and core removed
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Add all indgreidents to your infuser, stir and let stand for for a few days.
Blueberry & Apricot Vodka:
- 1 Sliced Star Fruit
- 1 Cup Of Dried Apricots
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
- 1 Pint Of Fresh Blueberries
- 1 Strip Of Fresh Orange Rind
Add all indgreidents to your infuser, stir and let stand for for a few days.
Candy Vodka:
- 1 Bag Of Jolly Ranchers
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Add 30 individual un-wrapped Jolly Ranchers candy to your infusion jar. Use 30 of the same flavor candies, or an assorment of flavors. Choose one’s that taste good when combined. Add Vodka and let mixture infuse until all the candies are dissolved. YUMMMM!
Cherry Vodka:
- 4 Pints Pitted and De-Stemmed Cherries
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Add all indgreidents to your infuser, stir and let stand for for a few days.
- 2 Coffee Beans
- 1 Sprig Of Fresh Mint
- 4 Cocoa Beans
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Add Coffee Beans, Cocoa Beans, and Vodka to your infuser, stir and let stand for for a few days. A few hours prior to serving add mint leaves.
Citrus Vodka:
- 2 oranges
- 4 Limes
- 4 Lemons
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Cut (rind on) oranges, Limes,and lemons into circles. Add cut fruit and vodka to your infuser. Let stand for 3 to 4 days.
Pear Vodka:
- 5 Pears
- 1 Cup Sugar Syrup
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Select 5 pears from your local market. (Comice pears, Anjou pears, and Bartlett pears produce a sweet flavor. Bose pears are buttery and Secket pears are spicy. Slice each pear in half and remove seeds. Dissolve one cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of water. Place pears and simple sugar into the infusion jar. Add Vodka and let mixture infuse for several days.
Skittle Vodka:
- 1 Bag of Skittles Candy
- 1 750ml Bottle Vodka
Add Skittles and Vodka to your infuser. Let stand until Skittles are dissolved.
Hope you enjoy a few of these let us know if you would like to see more. Be sure to share how yours came out and if you came up with any other creative recipes.