Here’s Why Wagyu Beef Is Better
If you’ve tried Wagyu beef, you know it’s a real luxury to eat. Wagyu is deliciously marbled with fat, tender yet flavorful—and centuries of tradition, generations of cattle breeding, and a whole lot of rules and regulations are in place to keep it that way....
Best Way to Safely Thaw Steak in a Hurry
Get your steak grill ready without sacrificing flavor, texture, or your health. Your kids called, and they are bringing a friend for dinner. Normally, an extra serving of pasta or two extra tacos would be no big deal. But tonight, you had planned to cook steaks with...
F. Dick Red Spirit Knives
Steaknight Magazine has been faithfully using the F.Dick Red Spirit line of knives for quite some time now. Our friends over at Friedr. Dick sent us our first knife the Ajax and we instantly fell in love with the way it felt. We put this knife to the test as you...
USDA May 2020 Livestock Outlook
Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, May 2020 (summary) COVID-19 Infects Laborforces in U.S. Meat Processing Plants, Disrupting April Production Since early April, COVID-19 infections of animal processing plant laborforces have disrupted beef, pork, broiler, and...